EnrichHer Begins New Year with $5,000 Small Business Grant Targeting Women and Founders of Color

EnrichHER, the only Black woman-owned fintech lender serving women and founders of color, will launch its next $5,000 small business grant contest this month.

EnrichHER’s grant is a financial lifeline for businesses with operations needs such as equipment, marketing or payroll.

As inflation, COVID-19 and labor shortages continue to complicate today’s economy, small business owners are under tremendous pressure to manage and grow their businesses. The $5,000 EnrichHER Grant serves as a lifeline for founders seeking funds for operational needs such as new equipment, a marketing campaign or payroll support.

EnrichHER will begin accepting applications Thursday, January 20, 2022 until Thursday, February 3, 2022 at enrichher.com/grant. A grant winner will be chosen and announced on Wednesday, March 31, 2022. Applicants must be a U.S.-based business owned by a woman or person of color.

“I’m excited to begin the new year with an opportunity that will help New Majority founders reach their 2022 business goals,” says Dr. Roshawnna Novellus, founder and CEO of EnrichHER, which to date has connected businesses to $14MM in capital. “Despite the challenges businesses led by women and people of color face, these owners are growing and managing companies that are stabilizing our economy and providing consumers with much-needed goods and services. Their survival is crucial to our community’s ability to get through these uncertain times. I am proud that EnrichHER is playing a role in empowering this demographic of entrepreneurs.”

In addition to a chance to win the EnrichHER grant, applicants will receive information on financing options, the EnrichHER Accelerator Program, as well as access to a weekly newsletter providing over $50,000 in grant opportunities and pitch competitions weekly.

For more information, visit enrichher.com/grant.


EnrichHER is a financial technology platform that matches revenue-generating companies led by women and founders of color to individual and institutional sources of funding. A Certified B Corporation™ and portfolio company of Techstars, Fearless Fund, and Georgia Tech’s ATDC Accelerate program, EnrichHER has been in-market since 2019, deploying $14M in capital to traditional businesses from 47 states. Our network has engaged with over 98,000 companies through our digital community and in-person activations. Named one of Atlanta Business Chronicle’s 2021 “Atlanta Startups to Watch” and winner of the FinTech South Challenge, EnrichHER is proud to fuel the fastest-growing demographics of business owners — Black women and diverse-led companies — by providing capital, coaching, and connections.


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Saptosa Foster
